Here are some suggested links for any visitors who want to learn more about forensic science.
How Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Works
A great recourse providing explanations, graphics, and case studies.
Test your skills as a bloodstain pattern analyst.
Bloodstain pattern analysis terminology explained by the FBI.
Database of bloodstain pattern images and definitions.
Learn about basic properties of blood to understand how BPA works.
How To Become A Crime Scene Investigator
Learn about the many exciting jobs you could have as a crime scene investigator.
How To Become A Homicide Detective: The Complete Guide
Learn what it takes to be a successful homicide detective.
Digital Evidence and Forensics
Learn about digital investigation technics and tools, including mobile and cellular device forensics.
This governmental website provides great resources on how to avoid on-line fraud, complete with interactive games that let you safely explore different traps and scams.
Learn how the FBI works to prevent and investigate cyber-crime.
Computer Crime Research Center
The latest news in online computer crime and its prevention.
Extract human DNA and run it on a gel in the University of Utah's virtual laboratory. This site has information on genetic cloning and biotechnology as well.
The FBI's Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) explained.
Everything about forensic DNA collection and analysis.
Human Genome Project: DNA Forensics
See how DNA Forensics has evolved through the years, as well as some of its interesting uses and ethical concerns.
This interactive site lets you create a DNA Fingerprint and use it to solve a crime. It also features information on the Sam Sheppard case (the inspiration for the movie "The Fugitive").
DNA Testing for the Non-Scientist
An overview covering DNA and how it is tested in the lab
Read a case of a drug-dealing doctor and how FBI agents put a stop to his crime.
Watch a documentary about "pill mills", operations that sell prescription drugs for cash.
A website full of resources on prescription drug diversion, fraud, and history of prescription drugs.
Everything you ever want to know about taking professional fingerprints.
A visual history of fingerprinting, including the people responsible for its advancement.
A collection of resources for fire investigators.
A guide for investigating fire and arson.
Listen to a fire investigator and follow a fire case from the 911 call to the final resolution.
Play games and learn how to protect your home, family, and community from fires.
Firearms and Tool Marks Examination
Learn about everything from class characteristics to ballistic gelatin. Several interactive activities are also available if you register (free).
Articles on all aspects of firearms examination, ballistics, gun control, and safety
Provides kits for teachers to conduct their own hands-on SAFE firearms and toolmark comparisons in the classroom
Read an overview of forensic anthropology, and learn about various schools and training programs
This online tutorial covers all aspects of forensic anthropology, from at the crime scene to in the laboratory
If all that's left of a body are those who fed on it, do any clues remain? Come find out!
Karen Taylor talks about the work she does with law enforcement, including facial reconstruction and age progression.
A comprehensive overview of many different aspects of criminal art that looks at its application in several different types of cases.
This site from the Australian Museum covers many different aspects of death and dieing, including forensic pathology
A detailed explanation of how and why the various steps in an autopsy are carried out.
Visible Proofs—Forensic Views of the Body
This comprehensive site covers the history of forensic pathology and toxicology. It also looks at many famous cases and historical people.
Forensic psychologist and professor, Karen Franklin writes about becoming a forensic psychologist, books, The CSI Effect, and forensic science issues.
Forensic Science Research: Learn about forensic research and standards to foster forensic practice.
14 Cool Forensics and CSI Blogs
Provides a list of the Forensics Colleges top 14 blogs for learning what it's like to be a CSI.
Learn how you can become a detective with your local police department or sheriff's office today.
The American Academy of Forensic Sciences
Information from the American Academy of Forensic Science.
The Forensic Sciences Foundation
Provides information on all the different branches of forensic science.
A portal to hundreds of websites separated by forensic discipline.
Features articles on forensic sciences, classic cases, and the latest news in law enforcement.
Provides a wealth of information about crime scene investigation, laboratory analysis, even a forensics glossary.
A thorough forensics curriculum covering the analysis of analysis of fingerprints, hair, fiber, glass, soil and chemicals. Developed by Dr. Patricia Ligon from Broughton High School in Raleigh, North Carolina.
A blog with tutorials and news about photography of crime scenes and victims.
Free subscription to a forensic magazine offering articles, tips, and techniques for anyone trying to teach forensics.
Learn about several different forensic disciplines as you try to solve the murder of playboy Robert Hughes
This page has loads of information about prescription drugs and misconceptions about abuse.
Games that explore what happens to the brain and body when drugs are used.
Find out what happens in the brain if a person is addicted to drugs.
Florida Blues - An Oxycodone Documentary
See how oxycodone has affected an ex-user and what pharmacists and doctors say about its abuse.
Learn how to choose over-the-counter medicines and use them safely in this interactive video.
Learn about the history of toxicology.
Watch a movie about the history of toxicology in the USA.
This professional organization provides a wealth of information of students interested in learning more about toxicology.
Resource Guide to Careers in Toxicology
A brief introduction from the Society of Toxicology, including what toxicologists do and where they work, and more.